
Life in Color by Michael Miller

Were you at Life in Color at the Ford Idaho Center?  If so then you are in the right place to find your pictures.  You are free to take the pictures from this blog and put them on your social media page.  I only ask that you show me a little love and tag AM Idaho Photo in the post or at least hashtag us. 


If you had fun and would like to see more of this kind of stuff let me know.

Also if you don't see your pic email me at and I will see what I can do.

Your Story by Michael Miller

What is your story?  Would you like that moment in time captured forever?  How many of your moments have been minimized because you were trying to capture it on your phone while trying to watch it?  Let us take all the hassle out of life.  We will capture the entire moment for you so you can enjoy the moment and then tell the story to your friends and family later verbally and through quality professional images. 

Lets make the stories that matter to you last forever.